Musician, Producer and Song Writer John Ball is BALL. (WHITEBEARD)

After touring North America as a lead guitarist and paying his dues for more than 12 years, John Moved into the producing and Production/Studio side of the Music Business. There, his company produced millions of Media products for customers on a Global level. The studio and mastering facility has done mixing and mastering projects for a wide variety of clients. From Platinum selling artists to new bands alike.

John put out an EDM/ Dance music release in 2013 entitled “The Forgotten Sessions”. While working on a Heavier/Rock release entitled Deaf God, John decided to take a break from writing. Frustrated, he always felt conflicted having to separate the two Genres or passions. One being Heavier Alternative Rock and another being EDM/House music.

He never felt like he got it right. Nothing really ever translated as to what he heard in his mind. It seemed likes both styles were always trying to speak when he was writing and creating music.

It wasn’t until the pandemic began and when listening to songwriting and related podcasts, something Tyler the creator as a guest on a Rick Rubin hosted podcast said really hit home and after writing and recording over 50 songs , came the 2022-23 release “THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE “

“It’s like I can finally be more like myself” Said Ball in a recent interview “I can be who I am.”

“The EDM grooves with the melodic old school almost Swedish house piano along mixed into heavy guitar driven riffs, distorted vocals and booming drums.

If I try to eliminate or remove any music because it shouldn’t traditionally mix, then I am doing a not being true to myself and it’s going to translate to the music either.”

THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE is a collection of heartbreaking and soul searching songs. Hitting on topics from Heroin and Cocaine addiction, Abandonment, Broken Hearts and a very personal call out of the Catholic Church and apology to his friends.

Being mainly a guitar player his whole life , He started to concentrate on his vocals and taking lessons from a new vocal coach changed his approach to singing. Although, he doesn’t feel he is there yet with both his voice and mixing the two styles? He feels he is on his way if he chooses to release more music.

Looking ahead to 2023. John is still fairly happy with the new record THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE.

He is also looking at releasing two books entitled, Just Look and The Intruder.

Both are non fictional self-help books to accompany his possible venture into public speaking.

Just Look is about the prevention of employee based fraud. And the Intruder is Johns journey to company negative self talk.

“When you realize that in the end, no one gives a shit at all. You have to do something because it makes you feel good or helps you with something.

Other than that , it makes no sense to do anything.

Available to collaborate or produce.